Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not So Gleeful

I was not happy with the newest episode of "Glee" this week, "Theatricality."

Parts of the lessons were great (and we know there must always be a lesson.) But the "Fin must be like Kurt to accept him" storyline just pissed me off.

My best friend is gay. I was a theatre major in college. I have lots of other homosexual friends. So I would have to say that I'm pretty square on the loving "the gays" issue. And I know that a lot of storylines have been one-sided along the way NOT in their favor. So, maybe this one is just one in their favor and I should let it go... but the potential that was lost is disappointing. If a big issue is going to be addressed, address it objectively and WELL.

Kurt spent part of one of the last episodes trying to be like Fin in order to "win his dad's love." Which seemed to be there for Fin's taking, and Kurt has to fight to "be understood." (Kurt's dad watches sports, Kurt does not - is that the only possible way they can bond?!?) In my opinion, Kurt doesn't want to be understood, he wants the teenage angst of not fitting in. Fin wants to fit in. Kurt's dad struggles, but tries really hard and yet Kurt seems to take that for granted because his dad doesn't do enough to understand him. Waa, waaa. Poor boy.

Well, Kurt, here you go. Your dad has bullied a 16 year-old boy who is just as confused and at sea as you are, and *bonus* this same confused 16 year-old has had to deal with his mom in a relationship that he wasn't prepared for AND has had to move out of his house to share a room with you, another 16 year-old boy who happens to be gay. Did I mention that Kurt has been manipulating things all along to get Fin to himself (setting Fin's mom and Kurt's dad up to date). And the things that Fin said about Kurt looking at him all happen to be true. But God forbid he call Kurt on it in Kurt's dad's house... which he didn't ask to be living in, by the way!

Then as a cherry on top (almost literally in his red shower curtain) Fin comes to Kurt's rescue and tops off the lesson of the week. Well, bullcrap. It would have been sooooo much better if Fin had responded to Kurt's dad instead of the suggestion of *gasp* discrimination making him a silent victim. That's part of the problem with discrimination is that there are so many silent victims. The conversation about whether one person should be allowed to call another a "fag" or a "nigger" when they refer to themselves as such, is a whole 'nother blog. But Fin did not refer to Kurt as a fag. He referred to his taste as faggy. And let's be honest. It was a bordello. Kurt had created his own bordello to seduce Fin in. Please. It deserved to be called faggy and that's a nice adjective! But instead Kurt's dad comes riding to the rescue, and bullies Fin into silence. And Fin is made to feel like a bad guy when I don't think he did anything wrong but want to live in his own room comfortably.

If the storyline had not had Kurt crushing on Fin the ENTIRE SHOW, I could say that they could live together just fine. But why would you want to live with a person you're not attracted to, whom you know finds you attractive, whether male or female. And just for giggles make them both teenagers, and isn't Fin allowed to be a teensy weensy bit uncomfortable?!?

In the end, couldn't Fin have come to Kurt's rescue weraing his varsity jacket, thereby being himself instead of someone else. And support Kurt's right to be himself, too? Fin and Puck shouldn't have to conform to the Glee Club's "theatricality" to fit in, anymore than the Glee Club should have to conform to the rest of the school's "normality."

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